Free online class for health coaches — Mindful Interventions for Health Coaches

Kathleen Lisson
2 min readMay 30, 2022

Tips on how to add mindfulness to your health coaching toolbox

Mindfulness for Health Coaches Free Class

Are you a health coach with a meditation practice who wants to share mindfulness with your clients?

Are you a health coach who does not practice mindfulness but you are intrigued by evidence that aspects of mindfulness may improve your client’s success with motivational interviewing and goal setting?

Awareness and nonjudgemental acceptance are so important in the conversations we have as health coaches. What does incorporating these practices in our health coaching sessions look like? As our clients discuss their health issues, invite them to notice what arises — are they feeling emotions, anxious thoughts or discomfort? Instead of ignoring these or pushing them away, invite them to make room for all the things they are feeling. Whatever arises is a normal part of the human experience. They are not stupid or weak for having these experiences.

Of course, this is easier said than done. Mindfulness is not a simple skill we can master in a few days. But it CAN be practiced without giving up our job and family and moving to the top of a mountain.

Mindful Interventions for Health Coaches

Mindful Interventions for Health Coaches is a free, online class that gives health coaches introductory knowledge of short mindfulness practices that may assist clients in motivational interviewing and behavior change.

Course Objectives include:

Experiencing several mindfulness techniques and describing the aspects of mindfulness

Describing several mindfulness techniques that help during motivational interviewing

Learning about mindfulness techniques that help with anxiety before surgery

Learning about MBSR

Mindful interventions for health coaches

Learn more about four key aspects of mindfulness in this video:

Find the link to take the free online class on mindfulness for health coaches here:


Roche, A. I., Kroska, E. B., & Denburg, N. L. (2019). Acceptance- and Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Health Behavior Change: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Journal of contextual behavioral science, 13, 74–93. Retrieved from:

Sohl SJ, Birdee G, Elam R. Complementary Tools to Empower and Sustain Behavior Change: Motivational Interviewing and Mindfulness. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016 Nov;10(6):429–436. doi: 10.1177/1559827615571524. Epub 2015 Feb 18. PMID: 28239308; PMCID: PMC5319432. Retrieved from:



Kathleen Lisson

San Diego lymphedema therapist, Massage CE provider. Author, Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook & Lipedema Treatment Guide, Stress Reduction for Lymphedema.